"Freedom for sale"

Freedom for Sale and “Restrictions” (synonymous with Rules) both exist. But unlike the conventional dogma that freedom is voluntary (e.g., the freedom to read any book on any day) and “restrictions” are imposed on people without their consent (e.g., the jailing of 28 journalists or the creation of the Great Firewall of China), it is surprising to witness the voluntary consent of people to restrictions (e.g., the Armed Forces Special Powers Act in India or the Patriot Act in the U.S.) and the involuntary freedom granted to people by their governments (e.g., free alcohol in hotels and restaurants in the U.A.E. even during Ramadan).

There is a lot of juggling in the concept of freedom, and in the book Freedom for Sale, Mr. Kampfner navigates through this complexity to observe, analyze, and understand the frontiers of democracy. He leads us to the answer to one ultimate question in today’s world: Why is the world trading democracy for security or prosperity? (e.g., an estimated 5 million CCTV cameras were installed in the U.K. in 2008, meaning one camera per 12 citizens, invading their public lives).

In today’s world, I feel that I am failing to ask a few important questions. And in doing so, I am being turned into a puppet, content in my own small bubble. I would personally ask myself some of these questions, and I request you to ask yourself the same: What do I mean by freedom? Am I truly at liberty? Do I really want to be completely free? Or do I enjoy partial freedom and partial restrictions? What does democracy mean to me? Do I believe in “versions” of freedom, such as partial freedom, superficial freedom, or only the freedom to accumulate wealth?

As Mr. Kampfner aptly puts it, “How many members of the public, going about their daily lives, really wish to challenge the structures of power? Especially if there is food on the table and perhaps an iPod in their pockets? One can more easily than one realizes be lulled into thinking that one is sufficiently free.”

After all, unfortunately, a Supreme Leader / a Godfather / a Big Brother is always watching…

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